
36 relevant result(s)

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Shariff for WordPress
165 websites Shariff enables website users to share their favorite content without compromising their privacy. This is the Shariff for WordPress plugin based on c't Shariff. For more information, check out the o
VK All in One Expansion Unit
1250 websites This plug-in is an integrated plug-in with a variety of features that make it powerful your web site. This plug-in is an integrated plug-in with a variety of features that make it powerful your web s
Simple Contact Info
139 websites Write contact information, social links, google map and display on your website where you want. Do it easy! You can write your contact information in admin panel and then show it on front-end through
Responsive Social Sharing Icons
36 websites A very attractive social sharing plugin to share on popular social networks such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Email A very attractive social sharing plugin named "Responsive Soc
Mention comment's Authors by Wabeo
31 websites When adding a comment, your users can directly mentioning the author of another comment, like facebook or twitter do,using the "@" symbol. "Mention comment's authors" is a plugin that impro
Lazy Social Buttons
49 websites Delayed loading of Google +1, Twitter and Facebook social buttons on your posts. Have your cake and eat it too; social buttons and performance. Social buttons attract more visitors to your site. When
jcwp youtube channel embed
162 websites This plugin embeds a custom channel to wordpress page or post This plugin is ShortCode based. Shortcode can be generated by a click of a button from settings page. Shortcode format is shown below [j
Smart YouTube PRO
97 websites Smart Youtube is a professional WordPress Video plugin that allows you to easily insert videos/playlists into your post from all major video services. Smart Youtube is one of the most popular WordPre
WP Social Buttons
10 websites Add Social Buttons Using Floating Sidebar (Facebook,Twitter,Linkedin,Google+,Pinterest) "wp-social-buttons" is the very simple plugin for add to social buttons on your site. Using this plugin you c
Mashshare - Social Media Icons SEO Share Buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Subscribe
1652 websites Social Media Icons & Share Buttons, a highly customizable social sharing and & Media SEO ecosystem Facebook, Twitter and more ... Mashshare - The Social Media Ecosystem (Twitter counts sup
Kingkong Board
9 websites 킹콩보드는 한국형 게시판 플러그인으로 다양한 확장성과 편리한 UI 를 바탕으로 제작 되었습니다. 킹콩보드가 2.0 으로 판올림 되었습니다. 보다 깔끔
Fixed Social Icons
9 websites This simple plugin for adding a fixed social icon to your website, also you can position it left or right as matter of choice. You may face while you working on your website, that you want to add the
Subscribe Sidebar plugin by Blubrry
55 websites Add a list of "Subscribe" links to your sidebar. Options include your blog and podcast feed, Twitter page, iTunes, Facebook Fan Page, Google Profiles This plugin displays subscription icons with link
2 Click Social Media Buttons
1545 websites Facebook-Like/Empfehlen, Twitter, Flattr, Xing, Pinterest, t3n, LinkedIn und Googleplus dem deutschen Datenschutz entsprechend in WordPress. Fügt die Buttons für Facebook-Like (Empfehlen), Twitter,
WP My Social Networks
16 websites Personnaliser et afficher des boutons de partage des réseaux sociaux sur votre article / page. Customize and display buttons sharing social networks FR Personnaliser et afficher des boutons de par
WP Share
2 websites Add social sharing buttons to your content in 5 minutes. You can choose from 3 different icon styles including the original ones. WP Share adds social sharing buttons to your site, the available serv
wp max social widget
17 websites WP Max Social Wigdet : WordPress Sidebar widget To combine your social media profiles and bookmarks. WP Max Social Wigdet : wordpress Social widget having most of the social icon and social bookmarki
TheThe Floating Bookmarks
4 websites This plugin creates a floating social bookmarks share box that adds facebook, google plus one and twitter buttons to your site. Floating Social Bookmarks Share Box is a WordPress Plugin that Adds Fac
Multi-language Responsive Contact Form
6 websites Multilingual Responsive Contact Form is a simple WordPress plugin that generates a responsive contact form on your website or blog. We provide advance level of support for installation and customi
110 websites This is a plugin to add Open Graph Protocol Data to the metadata of your WordPress blog. This is a plugin to add Open Graph Protocol data to the metadata of your WordPress blog for better communicati
Login Widget With Shortcode
621 websites This is a simple login form in the widget. This will allow users to login to the site from frontend. This is a simple login form in the widget. Use this shortcode [login_widget] to use login form in
Featured Box
2 websites Simple featured image slider. Featured Box is a very simple WordPress plugin that provides featured image slider for your blog. It has very few configuration options like transition type and speed co
29 websites Adds asynchronous (won't slow your site down) sharing buttons for Google plus, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Buffer, and Reddit.
JS Social Bar
7 websites JediSoftware Social Bar is a plugin that adds a fancy bar to your website, containing links to your social pages. JediSoftware Social Bar is a plugin that adds a fancy sidebar to your website, contai
Like Button Voting & Rating
188 websites Add Like button to posts, pages, comments, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, bbPress, custom post types! Sort content by likes! Get instant stats and insights! The Like Button Voting & Rating plugin allow
4 websites Photo Albums for BuddyPress with friend tagging (like facebook). Includes Posts to Wire, Member Comments, and Gallery Privacy Controls.
1 websites ViperProof allows you to show various aspects of social proof on your website, which will help you to get more blog subscribers. ViperProof allows you to show various aspects of social proof on your
Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar
989 websites Add Social Share Buttons(Facebook,Twitter,Linkedin,Google+,Pinterest,Youtube,Mail,Stumbleupon,Reddit) Using Floating Sidebar “custom-share-buttons-with-floating-sidebar” , it is plugin for socia
Janrain Social Login
45 websites Social Login by Janrain Enable people to quickly register or log in to your site using their existing identities from Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, or dozens of other social networks. Janrain
Floating Social Bar
220 websites Floating Social Bar is the best social media plugin for WordPress that adds a floating share bar to your content. Social media share buttons are a must have for every site, but they can significantly
2-Klicks-Button - Socialshareprivacy Plugin
84 websites Wordpress-Plugin Umsetzung des 2-Klick-Button Scripts von Datenschutz freundliche Social-Media-Einbindung von Facebook, Twitter und Google+. Ein WordPress-Plugin. Die Umsetzung des 2-Klick-B
1 websites This plugin is an extended version of "FB-autosuggest" WordPress plugin. “FB-Autocomplete-with-image-post” is a plugin that empowers you to customize options from FB Autocomplete settin
South Africa Sociable Plugin
3 websites Automatically add links on your posts to popular South African and International social bookmarking sites. The South Africa Sociable plugin allows users to your blog site the ability to shorten urls,
Super Link Preview
9 websites Generate a preview (aka thumbnail) of any external link in the page, similar to Facebook or Google+ snippets. Get the most relevant image, or the appropriate embedded media player, or the page screen
BuddyPress Social
79 websites Bringing social engagement to Buddypress - let your community share to their hearts content all while promoting your website to social networks. Bringing social engagement to Buddypress - let your co
WP Socializer
892 websites Super Cool Plugin for inserting all kinds of Social Bookmarking & Sharing buttons. Has customizable Floating Share Bar, Widgets, Shortcodes also. WP Socializer is an advanced plugin for inserting