
36 relevant result(s)

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Slick Contact Forms
347 websites Slick contact forms allows you quickly and easily create contact forms for any area on your WordPress site using widgets Creates a widget, which adds a contact form using either a floating, drop down
Groupon Widget
4 websites Plugin URI: Groupon widget plugin for displaying Groupon deals This plugin allows you to syndicate Groupon's daily deals on your site. It also al
420 websites Fotorama is a simple, stunning, powerful jQuery gallery. All Browsers. From IE 7 to Safari on iOS. Including Android and Windows Phone. Neat and transparent. Looks great by default, even better with
Donately Donation Form
19 websites Simple, Secure Online Donation Form. Non-profit groups can now take secure donations from any page on their site. Include the widget in a sidebar or use the shortcode to drop it in a page or post.
4 websites The WP FB Feeds allow you to get all the public posts of your facebook page. The WP FB Feeds allow you to get all the public posts of your facebook page. when you install it you need to go into your
X Forms Express
9 websites X Forms Express - Create professional forms real fast, real easy! X Forms is a high quality and simple to use form creator. If you have a need to create and customize professional good looking forms
Woocommerce Dropdown Cart Widget.
33 websites Subtly modifies the Woocommerce Cart Widget and makes it dropdown - nice in the header see :) If you need any support with this plugin (but not CSS su Creates a shopping cart widget for your WooComme
Crowd Control by Postmatic - Comment moderation decentralized
7 websites Comment moderation is a drag. Have your users lend a hand by flagging offensive comments and scrubbing your site clean. Crowd Control gives your users the ability to report comments as inappropriate
Pretty Simple Progress meter
9 websites Pretty Simply Progress meter is a clean and fun way to share your tracked progress on everything! Track your progress, and showcase it on your WordPress website with the Pretty Simple Progress meter.
Document Links Widget
48 websites This plugin allows you to list links to your Media Library files. Great for offering white papers or other document downloads on your website. This plugin displays all attachments from the WordPress
Flexslider Manager
3 websites Add a hero slideshow to any sidebar and display it with Tyler Smith's Flexslider. To use this plugin you must first install Space Manager. WordPress' built-in Text widget is great, but it's not
GT Press
4 websites GT Press allows you to easily customize the look and feel of the back-end Admin menus. GT Press allows you to easily customize the look and feel of the back-end Admin menus. This plugin can be usefu
Active Share by OrangeSoda
2 websites A little slider that invites users to share the post. Active Share is a free plugin provided by OrangeSoda and written by Dan Garfield. For marketing tips follow OrangeSoda on twitter. This plugin wa
Flexible FAQ
81 websites Flexible FAQ is a very simple plugin to add FAQs (Frequently asked questions) to your WordPress site using shortcodes. I have created this plugin to use on my client's websites to provide an easy FAQ
Sinking Dropdowns WordPress
19 websites Convert default WordPress menu to a responsive hover/click dropdown menu. Create a WordPress menu (up to three levels) with the WP appearances built-in menu builder and convert it to a nice responsiv
App Store Assistant
49 websites The App Store Assistant WordPress plugin displays a list of iOS Apps, Mac apps or iTunes content from an RSS feed ( or the detail for iPhone/iPod Apps, Mac Apps, iPad
15 websites Avatar allows you to create / edit custom avatars for your users right in the Admin Panel. Uses the same directory structure as BuddyPress, so your av This is a beta release. If anything breaks, SORR
Inline mp3 player
31 websites Version: 0.1 Stable tag : 0.1 A inline mp3 player for the web, using javascript soundkit and scriptaculous. Inline mp3 player replacing any link directly to a mp3 file, such as '
No Title Tooltips
28 websites Removes title tooltips Sometimes when you hover over text links or menus, a tooltip pops up containing the text from the title attribute. Generally this does not look very good, and can obscure page
WordPress Ad Widget
11 websites Easily upload ad images and ad code to your sidebar. For those that don't need or want a complicated ad management system. This is the easiest way to place ads in your WordPress site. Just drag
WooCommerce View
5 websites Front-end Product listing of woocommerce can be beautifully listed on list view, date view, grid view and map view with sorting options. Looking upon the need of users to properly view product listin
1 websites The 1st plugin to integrate the GetGlue® API into WordPress to show your checkins and stickers This plugin uses the GetGlue® API to retrieve various information and display it in a widget or
Sidebar Login
1477 websites Easily add an ajax-enhanced login widget to your WordPress site sidebar. Sidebar-Login adds a useful login widget which you can use to login from in the sidebar of your WordPress powered blog. Once
WP-Parsi navigation trees
28 websites This plugin create dynamic expand/collapse tree-widget navigation from wordpress nav menu. This plugin create dynamic expand/collapse tree-widget navigation from wordpress nav menu. When plugin activ
BP BookMarklet
8 websites Allows your member to add a bookmarklet to their browser to easily share links in your BP community BP BookMarklet allows your members to add a bookmarklet to their browser to easily share links in y
BP Searchable Activity
9 websites BuddyPress Searchable Activity allows users to search BuddyPress Activity BuddyPress Searchable Activity allows users to search BuddyPress activity. It is just a plug and play plugin. Just activate i
2 websites This BuddyPress component adds chat functionality to Buddypress. This plugin will extend Buddypress to have an Ajax Chat client that works with Buddypress groups, as well as all WordPress users. As
WP QR Code Generator
24 websites An easy way to add your QR Code widget in your sidebars and add in your page . (Quick Response code) A two-dimensional bar code that is widely used to cause a Web page to download into the user's sma
Simple Flickr Widget
5 websites A widget which will display your latest Flickr photos. This plugin makes it easy to pull Flickr feeds and display them on your site. Usages After installing and activating the plugin, go to WordPre
28 websites Mailbag lets you quickly and easily add MailChimp or Campaign Monitor email forms to your posts or pages with a shortcode. Dead Simple Email Subscriptions Mailbag integrates both MailChimp and Campa
List Contributors
1 websites Create a special section on your website to show off contributing authors and their posts in style. List Contributors does exactly what it says; shows a list of your contributing authors and their po
5 websites Uploading by logged-in users of sets of image files and associated data. Administrators design the upload form, and download the images and data. EntryWizard was developed to cater to the needs of ca
63 websites With EU cookie law, site owners need to make the use of cookies very obvious to visitors. cookieBAR does just that. There is a lot of mystery and fuss surrounding the new EU cookie legislation, but i
Facebook Events Importer
21 websites Import Facebook events into your WordPress blog or website. Use the included widgets and sidebar to customize your events template. WordPress Facebook Events Importer: Using Facebook Events featu
Cimy User Extra Fields
19 websites Add some useful fields to registration and user's info WordPress is becoming more than ever a tool to open blog/websites and CMSs in an easier way. Users are increasing day by day; one of the li
32 websites Allows download and installation of flipbooks created with The plugin will download a list of the flipbook you created with ezFlippr, and will allow you to install them on your WordPres