
36 relevant result(s)

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12 websites
6 websites Share your recent, loved or top tracks scrobbled on on your sidebar Share your recent, loved or top tracks scrobbled on It is also possible to display the top albums, top artists, we
WP Register Profile With Shortcode
45 websites This is a simple registration form in the widget. just install the plugin and add the register widget in the sidebar. Thats it. :) This is a simple registration form in the widget. The form is respo
WP Facebook Pixel
117 websites Facebook Pixel added to every Page including Standard and WooCommerce Events with custom data. Easy setup, no coding! WooCommerce 2.5 ready! Facebook has deprecated its old conversion pixel, upgrade
Team Rosters
24 websites Manages multiple sports team rosters. Displays tabular rosters, a single player bios, and player galleries. Version 4.0.1 patches three bugs. (See the change log for details.) VERSION 4.0 IS A MAJOR
1 websites
53 websites
1 websites
2 websites
2 websites
Local Market Explorer
24 websites This plugin allows WordPress to load data from a number of neighborhood-related APIs to be presented on a single page or within your own pages / posts This plugin allows WordPress to load data from a
1 websites Displays incoming queries from search engines like Google. The queries data come from a Piwik-database. This Plugin displays last incoming queries from search engines in the sidebar or an area in the
1 websites
2 websites
5 websites The Chartbeat plugin automatically adds real-time data and a top pages widget to your blog. See who’s on your site, what they’re doing - right now Chartbeat is a real-time data service for your w
AWStats Script
8 websites Adds the HTML script tag and JS code that AWStats requires to enable collection of browser data like screen size and browser capabilities. AWStats is a free log file analysis tool for web servers. I
Flickr foto info
5 websites This plugin shows a small toolbar over photos from Flickr embedded in your post. The toolbar buttons show Location, EXIF and lots more in a Thickbox This plugin shows a small toolbar over photos from
Links With Icons Widget
73 websites A widget to display links with icons alongside. Links With Icons Widget adds a new custom widget which displays links with icons alongside. The links are dynamically added to each widget in the widge
Countup JS
12 websites Countup JS allows you to quickly create animations that display numerical data in a more interesting way on your wp site. This plugin is based on and utilizes CountUp.js, which is a dependency-free,
IMDb link transformer
18 websites Visit Official website to comment, get help, and so on. IMDb changed its search method Please prefer "imdbltid" method in your post/widget rather than "imdblt" IMDb link transformer aims to ease the
5 websites Embed the power of Google Analytics in your WordPress Admin console and view key metrics for each of your domains from one place. Googlyzer adds an administrative dashboard to WordPress with microcha
Earthquakemonitor Widget
9 websites Earthquake Monitor is a customizable widget that shows an overview of earthquakes around the world from the U.S. Geological Surveys data. Earthquake Monitor is a customizable widget that shows an ove
WP Plugin Info Card
6 websites WPPIC displays plugins & themes data in a beautiful box with a smooth rotation effect using WP Plugin & Theme APIs. Dashboard widget included. PREMIUM ADD-ON - WP Envato Affiliate Card How d
Feedgeorge WordPress Plugin
1 websites Feedgeorge WordPress Plugin is a geoblogging, geotagging and geocurating tool. Feedgeorge is a platform to discover, create and share news, information and data about places. It aggregates location d
Contact Form DB
3 websites Saves submitted form data to the database. Export the data to a file or use short codes to display it. The "CFDB" plugin saves contact form submissions to your WordPress database and provides and adm
Google Adsense Adblock Tracker
2 websites Detects if user is using adblock or not and sends the tracking data to google analytics. Detects if user is using adblock or not and sends the tracking data to google analytics. How to Install the
2 websites Geotagged photos are automatically given a link to show where they were taken in the google map. This plugin will allow you to post geotagged photos to your blog and have them automatically linked to
Chat - Live Chat, Support, Sales
100 websites Live Chat & Online Chat for Websites. Website chat: supports sales, customer support, live chat assistance, live help desk & Free Chat Plugin This is a Free Online Live Chat Plugin with free
Custom Post View Generator
13 websites Creates views allowing the user to display of data of custom post type fields and other wordpress fields without the any theme modification. Creates views allowing the user to display of data of cust
Unveil Lazy Load
297 websites Unveil Lazy Load is a WordPress Plugin whitch makes lazy-image-load possible to decrease number of requests and improve page loading time. Unveil Lazy Load is a WordPress Plugin whitch makes lazy-ima
WP Google Analytics
263 websites Lets you use Google Analytics to track your WordPress site statistics WP Google Analytics makes it easy to track your site's usage, with lots of helpful additional data. Features: Uses Google's as
Google Analytics Suite
49 websites Gather actionable and decission-enabling data wihtin five minutes. View it directly in your Google Analytics dashboards. Gather actionable and decission-enabling data wihtin five minutes. View it dir
2 websites
dsIDXpress IDX Plugin
631 websites This plugin allows WordPress to embed live real estate data from an MLS directly into a blog. You MUST have a dsIDXpress account to use this plugin. With the dsIDXpress plugin, bloggers can embed liv
WooCommerce JNE Shipping
5 websites WooCommerce JNE Shipping adalah Plugin khusus WooCommerce yang digunakan untuk mengintegrasikan ongkos kirim dengan total belanja calon konsumen Anda. WooCommerce JNE Shipping mengintegrasikan ongkos
Grid Products
109 websites Grid Products allows you to display products (or other data) in a grid format or list format within your WordPress website. Grid Products allows you to display products (or other data) in a grid form