
36 relevant result(s)

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Instagram Embedding
16 websites One shortcode to embedding instagram images with full customize and unlimited colors, caption support, fully responsive and easy to use. Instagram Embedding One shortcode to embedding instagram imag
WP Optimize By xTraffic
110 websites Plugin "WP Optimize By xTraffic" optimizes your WordPress websites more useful and powerful through the special features. Plugin WP Optimize By xTraffic automatically optimizes your WordPre
Gallery Master - Responsive Photo Galleries & Albums
34 websites Gallery Master is a photo gallery plugin for creating pixel perfect photo galleries for different views. It is also retina ready. Gallery Master creates 100% responsive Photo Galleries in minutes. Ea
WebEmailProtector | email address spam protection
34 websites Stop your website email addresses from being scraped and harvested by spammers with the best email obfuscator protection available. Welcome to the WebEmailProtector plugin for WordPress. This is the
Google SEO Pressor for Rich snippets
35 websites Automate Google Structured data for your wordpress built specially for SEO and social perspective. Now in version 1.2.6 with several bugs fixes reported in forum. 1.2.7 is in progress and will be ava
BizChatBox - Free Live Chat Plugin
7 websites BizchatBox is a 100% FREE hosted live chat software that allows businesses to engage with their customers in real time. Try it for free! BizChatBox is a Web App that makes it easy for website owners
Ajax Load More - Infinite Scroll
1490 websites A powerful solution to add infinite scroll functionality to your website Ajax Load More is the ultimate solution for infinite scrolling and lazy loading posts, custom post types, single posts, pages
67 websites GSpeech is a text to speech solution which uses Google power and allows to listen any selected text on your site! GSpeech is a text to speech solution for WordPress. It uses Google power to provide
Music Store
32 websites Music Store is an online store for selling audio files: music, speeches, narratives, everything audio. In Music Store, secure payments with PayPal. Music Store features: ♪ Allows selling audio fil
Poll one wp plugin
21 websites Poll one wp plugin is simple Ajax based pool plug-in for WordPress. using this plug-in we can customize the pool in the website widget. Check official website for live demo
Twitter tweet horizontal scroll
8 websites Twitter tweet scroll is a simple plugin to show (scroll) your most recent tweet into your wordpress website. Check official website for live demo
Feed Them Social (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vine, Pinterest, etc)
2474 websites Custom feeds for Facebook Pages, Groups, Events, Album Photos, Videos & Covers, Twitter, Vine, Instagram, Pinterest & YouTube on pages, posts Create Social Feeds of any or all your celebritie
Captcha Bank - Solid Security & Advanced Protection
228 websites Captcha Bank is an easy to use wordpress security plugin to prevent spam on your site while letting real people pass through with ease. It's more Captcha Bank = Tough on Bots, Easy on Humans WP
WP Mingle
10 websites The simplest way to turn your standard WordPress website with a standard WordPress theme into a Social Network. The simplest way to turn your WordPress website into a Social Network comparable to Fac
1-click Retweet/Share/Like
3 websites Adds Facebook Like, Facebook Share, Twitter, Google +1, LinkedIn Share, Facebook Recommendations. Automatic publishing of content to 20+ Social Networ Shows following 8 buttons on your blog posts:
Sell Downloads
24 websites Sell Downloads is an WordPress eCommerce for selling downloadable files: audio, video, documents, pictures all that may be published in Internet. Sell Sell Downloads features: » Sell Downloads is a
Up down image slideshow gallery
8 websites Up down image slideshow gallery lets showcase images in a vertical move style. Single image at a time and pull one by one continually. Check official website for live demo
9139 websites Photo Gallery is an advanced plugin with a list of tools and options for adding and editing images for different views. It is fully responsive. Create 100% responsive FREE WordPress photo gallery in
CM Tooltip Glossary
369 websites Easily create a Glossary, Encyclopaedia or Dictionary of your terms and show tooltip when users hover over. Many powerful features CM Glossary Tooltip is a plugin for WordPress that enables you to pa
Random image gallery with pretty photo zoom
23 websites This plugin which allows you to simply and easily show random image anywhere in your template files or using widgets with onclick pretty photo zoom. Check official website for live demo http://www.go
Design Approval System
29 websites A project management system to streamline the process of getting designs, photos, documents, videos, or music approved by clients quickly. See Live Example and Approve the design. Here's a look at h
Photo Gallery by Supsystic
707 websites Photo Gallery with visual editor to build amazing photo galleries. Responsive mobile ready gallery include grid, carousel, polaroid and more templates WordPress Photo Gallery by Supsystic Responsiv
Scroll popup html content ads
6 websites This plugin allows you to build and show a scrolling popup using HTML div. You can locate the scrolling popup in a corner of a web page. Check official website for live demo
Content text slider on post
124 websites Use this plugin to scroll the content vertically in the posts and pages. Check official website for live demo L
WP MashSocial Wigdet Lite
98 websites WP MashSocial Wigdet : A beautiful widget inspired by Mashable to be used in sidebar, it allows you to add your Pinterest, G+ , Twitter , Facebook and WP MashSocial Wigdet Lite: A beautiful widget in
Wp cycle text announcement
20 websites Wp cycle text plugin is to show the text news with cycle jQuery. Display one news at a time and cycle the remaining in the mentioned location. Check official website for live demo http://www.gopiplus
YouTube for WordPress
79 websites YouTube for WordPress is a complete, all in one, YouTube solution for WordPress installations. YouTube for WordPress Demo Site // YouTube for WordPress Documentation New! YouTube for WordPress: Setu
Social Login, Social Sharing by miniOrange
389 websites Social Login, Social Sharing allows login, share, comment using any social media like Twitter, Google, Facebook, Vkontakte. EASIEST to configure. Social Login, Social Sharing Social Login, Social Sh
CM Answers
143 websites Enables users to post questions and answers (Q&A) in a Stackoverflow style. Plugin includes social media login registration and can be customized CM Answers is a plugin for WordPress that enables
Zedity: The Easy Way to Create Your Posts & Pages!
138 websites Zedity lets you create posts and pages very easily and quickly, achieving professional results with no coding skills required. A must have! Zedity enables you to create posts and pages very easily, q
Left right image slideshow gallery
16 websites Left right image slideshow gallery lets showcase images in a horizontal move style. Single image at a time and pull one by one continually. Check official website for live demo
Jquery news ticker
81 websites Jquery news ticker plugin brings a lightweight, flexible and easy to configure ticker plugin to site. This plugin adds scrolling horizontal tickers. Check official website for live demo http://www.go
PIKLIST | Rapid development framework
1 websites Piklist is the most powerful framework available for WordPress. Easy for beginners... built for developers. Piklist helps you build things - fast. CURRENTLY IN BETA Piklist is the most powerful fram
wordpress plugin random post slider
39 websites This plugin create a post slider on the wordpress website. We have option to customize the slider direction. Check official website for live demo
Webmaster Spelling Notifications
18 websites Plugin allows site visitors to send reports to the webmaster/owner about any spelling or grammatical errors. Spelling checker on your website. 100% Free Open Source Plugin on The plugin a
Scroll post excerpt
112 websites Scroll post excerpt WordPress plugin create the information reel in the website, this scroller contain the post title and post excerpt. Check official website for live demo