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12 websites Simple WordPress plugin for up/down voting on posts and comments. UpDownUpDown provides two template tags for adding up/down voting for any post or comment. Anonymous guest visitors can either be all
IP.Board Comments
8 websites Version: 1.3.1 Use IP.Board to manage your comments. IP.Board Comments for WordPress allows you to use IPB (IP.Board or Invision Power Board) to replace or enhance your WordPress comments.
I am Human
6 websites A customisable human detection plugin, that isn't annoying. Seriously. Firstly Sorry for not responding to forum questions; I wasn't setup to recieve emails when posts were created so completel
Flexible Captcha
3 websites This plugin allows you to create image captcha for any form. It has a shortcode that can be placed on any page and a simple function call that will This plugin allows you to create image captcha fo
1 websites Provide autocomplete for search box by typeahead.js. 为您的网站搜索框添加搜索下拉词条建议功能。 Provide autocomplete for search box by typeahead.js. 为您的网站搜索框�
Comments Leaderboard
2 websites Let the games begin! The Comments Leaderboard ranks your top commentators in a way that's sure to spark competition throughout your community. The The Comments Leaderboard was carefully designed
Guerrilla's Recent Posts Widget
17 websites This is a plugin that adds a widget that you can use to showcase your most recent posts in the sidebar of your WordPress powered website. This is a plugin that adds a widget that you can use to showc
Clipboard Images
27 websites Paste images from clipboard in posts or comments with Clipboard Images. Author: CasePress Version: 0.3 Author URI: Support paste images from
Inline Ajax Comments
5 websites Displays a single line textarea for entering comments, users can press "enter/return", and comments are loaded and submitted via AJAX. This plugin places a comment form similar to Facebook,
BP Searchable Activity
9 websites BuddyPress Searchable Activity allows users to search BuddyPress Activity BuddyPress Searchable Activity allows users to search BuddyPress activity. It is just a plug and play plugin. Just activate i
Show UserAgent
21 websites Show visitors' IP to Country Flag, Web Browser, Operating System icons on WordPreess comment list. A plugin to Show UserAgent information in comments list. In this plugin, more browsers and OSs
WP RSS Multi Importer
675 websites All-In-One totally free solution for importing, merging and displaying RSS and Atom feeds on your WordPress site. Using this plugin you can do 4 things (separately or at the same time): Display the
Hide My Dates
38 websites The plugin hides post and comment publishing dates from Google. The plugin uses a CSS hack to show the date – your visitors see it, but Google takes it for the "title" parameter of a "span" element
BNS Featured Category
334 websites Displays most recent posts from a specific featured category or categories. Plugin with multi-widget functionality that displays most recent posts from specific category or categories (set with user
4 websites This plugin allows you to show the latest comments, pingbacks or trackbacks in the sidebar of your blog or anywhere else. The plugin comes with widget This plugin allows you to show the latest commen
CasePress UpVote
1 websites CasePress UpVote - posts and comments rating system. CasePress UpVote - posts and comments rating system. [upvote post=123 comment=123] - Shortcode return's upvote buttons for posts or comments, if
Yawasp - Yet Another WordPress Anti Spam Plugin
9 websites With the release of WordPress 2.8 development of Yawasp is discontinued!!! For further protection against automated Spambots please checkout the succe With the release of WordPress 2.8 development of
Custom Shortcodes
2 websites Manage custom fields using the insert shortcodes or HTML comment in text of post. Manage custom fields using the insert shortcodes [custom name="field-name" value="field-value"] or HTML conditional c
Mark as Read
3 websites Shows a list of recent changes to posts a registered user hasn't read. Lists the posts with changes (published & updates) and new comments. Mark as Read makes it easy for your users to keep track
Recommended Links for WordPress
2 websites A sort of "Reddit clone" that allows users to post links, up- or down-vote them, and comment on them. This plugin aims to support community link-sharing, social bookmarking, and discussion
SSL Grins
2 websites SSL Grins provides smilies for your comment areas and is compatible with SSL Administration. SSL Grins will provide clickable smilies for both the post form in the admin interface and the comments fo
35 websites The whole idea to this plugin is to keep spammer robots from posting on your blog, reducing the space taken by spam messages in the database, and prev The whole idea to this plugin is to keep spammer
BNS Inline Asides
6 websites This plugin will allow you to style sections of the post, or page, content with added emphasis by leveraging a style element from the active theme. Have you ever wanted to add a personal comment into
Conva Comment System (Beta)
1 websites Conva creates engaging conversations around your content. Conva’s mission is simple: connect others and help them better understand one another. Through Conva, more of your audience will interact o
Strx Magic Floating Sidebar Maker
109 websites Magic Floating Sidebar Maker, makes your bog sidebar floatable. If you have a classic column site structure, this plugin will make your sidebar follow your visitors while they scroll up and down the
Poros Slider
1 websites Create a beautiful slideshow with an optional vertical scroller and fully customizable caption. Create a beautiful slideshow with an optional vertical scroller and fully customizable caption. After
BuddyPress Notification Widget
70 websites BuddyPress notification widget allow site admins to show BuddyPress user notification in widget. BuddyPress notification widget allow site admins to show BuddyPress user notification in widget. How
524 websites Integrates reCAPTCHA anti-spam methods with WordPress including comment and registration spam protection. What is reCAPTCHA? reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that protects your site against spam,
1269 websites No more SPAM by spiders scanning you site for email adresses. With CryptX you can hide all your email adresses, with and without a mailto-link, by con No more SPAM by spiders scanning you site for em
Top Contributors
56 websites Display your top commenters or authors in a widget. Display your top commenters or authors in a widget, or you can display anywhere on your blog by pasting this code into your theme: <?php if(func
A to Z Category Listing
2 websites This Plugin will show A-to-Z listing of all the categories in alphabetical order. This Plugin will show A-to-Z listing of all categories in alphabetical order. Use CSS style to decorate your index pa
Embed Chessboard
6 websites Allows for the insertion of a chessboard displaying chess games within wordpress articles. Embed Chessboard is a plugin that allows for the insertion of a chessboard displaying chess games within wor
19 websites Bangla Typing Scripts for wordpress. This Java Script based add-ons will let your visitors type in Bangla without using any 3rd party tool or keyboard Bangla Typing Scripts for wordpress. This Java S
Gwolle Guestbook
188 websites Gwolle Guestbook is the WordPress guestbook you've just been looking for. Beautiful and easy. Gwolle Guestbook is the WordPress guestbook you've just been looking for. Beautiful and easy. Gwolle
ZK Advanced Feature Post
13 websites AJAX feature post function for your wordpress. Especially you can get featured post for custom category only. AJAX function to manage your feature post. Widget to display your feature list (for cust
31 websites Using Slider CAPTCHA, you can replace or add a CAPTCHA to your WordPress forms. By default, Slider CAPTCHA will add a CAPTCHA to your templates' comment form. You can also add sliders to the Registrat