
36 relevant result(s)

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iTunes Charts
5 websites iTunes widget that automatically updates to reflect the latest charts. iTunes widget that automatically updates to reflect the latest charts
Facebook to WordPress
32 websites Auto post to WordPress from Facebook page. Auto post to WordPress from Facebook page.
WP Responsive Tabs
9 websites An easy way to create tabs for unique posts/pages and feel freedom to use them anywhere in your content or files. Author: Fahad Mahmood Project URI:
Display Posts Shortcode
3 websites Display a listing of posts using the [display-posts] shortcode The Display Posts Shortcode was written to allow users to easily display listings of posts without knowing PHP or editing template files
Widgets In Tabs
17 websites Show all the widgets you love, forget about clutter. Simple and elegant. WIT allows you to display all the widgets you love, without cluttering your site. How it works WIT adds a speical sidebar a
Disclosure Picker
33 websites Adds a disclosure, chosen on a per post/page basis, to a post/page either below the content or above the content. The Disclosure Picker makes complying with the FTC blogger guidlines about material c
Single Mailchimp
9 websites Single Opt-In AJAX Mailchimp Newsletter form for WordPress. You can switch between single opt-in and double opt-in. Use it as Widget or Shortcode. Single Opt-In AJAX Mailchimp Newsletter form for Wor
Incarnate for WordPress
1 websites Incarnate for WordPress brings a rich avatar experience to your comments. Enter a handle from the web and easily select an avatar for a comment from Incarnate for WordPress brings a rich avatar exp
Woocommerce Gift Wrapper
25 websites Holidays are always coming! Offer your customers gift wrapping, per order, in the WooCommerce cart. Features: Create a simple gift wrap option form on the cart page, or go all out with robust gift
16 websites Quotable enables your readers to share your notable quotes quickly and easily on Twitter. Make your content easy to tweet with Quotable. Quotable enables your readers to share your notable quotes qui
Cimy User Extra Fields
15 websites Add some useful fields to registration and user's info WordPress is becoming more than ever a tool to open blog/websites and CMSs in an easier way. Users are increasing day by day; one of the li
Very Simple Quiz
2 websites Create Quiz and show it on you page or post using shortcode. Show result page on basis of score. This is very simple Quizz program where you can create Quiz and show it on you page or post using sho
3 websites Selfie: Native in-post text ads that your readers can purchase themselves. Demo: Your loyal readers are an untapped source of revenue. You will never know how many potent
Postmatic Social Commenting
10 websites A tiny, fast, and convenient way to let your readers comment using their social profiles. Postmatic Social Commenting takes a lighter weight approach than traditional Social Login plugins. The big d
Read More Right Here
69 websites Automatically transform your 'more' links into "view right here" links that immediately display the rest of your entry. "Read More Right Here" uses the jQuery framework already in
All Site Search
9 websites All Site Search provides you with the best and most relevant search for your Site. It is the first full-search solution and 100% safe because of off-s All Site Search provides you with the best and m
WordPress Ad Widget
11 websites Easily upload ad images and ad code to your sidebar. For those that don't need or want a complicated ad management system. This is the easiest way to place ads in your WordPress site. Just drag
Campaign Press
6 websites Version: 1.0.5 Campaign Press makes it easy to gather sign ups and manage your Campaign Monitor clients through WordPress. Campaign Press makes it easy to gather sign ups and manage your Campaign Mo
Local Time
3 websites Displays post and comment date and times in the visitor's timezone using Javascript. Heavily based on code from the P2 theme. Displays post and comment date and times in the visitor's timezone u
Background Videos for Visual Composer
1 websites Add hosted background videos to your Visual Composer rows, with optional coloured or patterned overlays. Built and maintained by BG Stock. Background Videos for Visual Composer gives you the ability
Facebook Popup Like Box
135 websites Show a popup like box when a user visits your WordPress site! Update: This module is now responsive by default Here's a great way to increase Facebook likes for your site.  Add this enticing widge
WP Feature Box
8 websites Create embedable featured content boxes and slider inside your WordPress site. Create embedable featured content boxes and slider inside your WordPress site. Demo Features Easy to combine boxes t
3D Produkt Viewer
6 websites The 3D Produkt Viewer provides an interactive 3D display of products and objects on a website. It works in all today's major browsers. The 3D Produkt Viewer provides an interactive 3D display of
Editable Comments
50 websites Allows users to edit or delete their own comment. Allows users to edit or delete their own comment. Add the following codes in the comments.php file of your template, in the loop of the comments lis
VKontakte Online Cinema
5 websites Онлайн кинотеатр из видеоальбомов ВКонтакте. Импорт видеозаписей из альбомов и со стен групп ВКонтакте. Мож�
7 websites Displays categories and subcategories as a mindmap Displays categories and subcategories as a mindmap in a widget Shortcode use : [mindcat cat='' size=50 title='' hide_empty=0 count=0 max_level=0]
YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price
34 websites Give your users the freedom to choose how much they want to pay with YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price. What's better than let your customers decide how much they would like to spend? Think about it:
Saphali Woocommerce Russian
915 websites Набор русских дополнений к интернет-магазину на Woocommerce. Adds Russian localization & special Tools in WooCommerce Russian! WooCommerce по-русск
QuickTime Embed
63 websites Standards compliant QuickTime embedding in your blog posts using Javascript, supports vodcasting. Adds QuickTime movies into your blog using simple, intuitive inline [qt:] tags. Features: uses sim
18 websites MyLinks2 displays dynamically generated thumbnail images from your blogroll or link on a Page or Post. Displays blogroll links on a Page or Post with thumbnail images of the linked site. Also generat
Embedly Wall
3 websites Embedly-Wall lets you create posts as easily as you post on Facebook. Embedly-Wall lets you create posts as easily as you post on Facebook. It uses Embedly API to gather all the details about a link,
Conva Comment System (Beta)
1 websites Conva creates engaging conversations around your content. Conva’s mission is simple: connect others and help them better understand one another. Through Conva, more of your audience will interact o
Multi Google Maps
4 websites Stable tag : 0.7 This is first plug-in that allows you to insert Multi Google Map V.3 Objects into your post/blog, No require Google Map API Key . This is first plug-in that allows you to insert Mu
Loan Calculator Pro
12 websites Free Mortgage Loan Rate Calculator Widget for your blog The free Mortgage Loan Rate Calculator Widget installs as a widget that you can use to easily add a mortgage loan calculator to the sidebar are
Bible References
13 websites Automatically replace Bible references to a hyperlink with Bible text. Website Description only in Russian. Данный плагин является инструм
Custom Login Widget With Cube Points Integration
26 websites A customizable login widget that will allow you to add a welcome message, the users avatar, custom links, and cubepoints integration. A customizable login widget that will allow you to add a welcome