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Barrel Roll
6 websites Makes your page do a barrel roll like Google. Makes your page do a barrel roll. Google can do it. Now you can too. When a user types barrel roll into any text filed on the page (for example, in the
Ajax Post Filter
22 websites Filter posts with ajax Use shortcode [ajaxFilter] to create a nice filter posts feature. Attributes for this shortcode include: * posttypes - comma separated post types that you want displayed * taxo
About Me widget
10 websites Add an "About Me" widget to your sidebar. Since I don't consider my blog anonymous or 'seekrit' I grabbed a text widget and started adding an "About Me" to my sidebar. After trying to get t
Cryptocurrency Ticker
22 websites Fetches, caches, and displays current cryptocurrency prices (bitcoin and litecoin, for now). Cryptocurrency Ticker displays current cryptocurrency prices (bitcoin and litecoin) on your WordPress site
bbPress Post Ratings
15 websites Offers buttons to up-/downrate posts and calculates user ratings based on their posts. Offers buttons to up-/downrate posts and calculates user ratings based on their posts. Developed for: http://jmo
Best Related Posts
3 websites Shows related posts with thumbnails. Allows you to design your own layout using simple interface. Good for SEO and reducing bounce rate. Best Related Posts is a straight forward and easy to use plug
WP Russian Quicktags
17 websites Плагин выводит панель с русскими кнопками форматирования текста в комментариях. Плагин выводит панель с кно
3 websites Adds dynamicaly a watermark to all images on posts. DynPicWaterMark adds dynamicaly a watermark to your posted images on display time (no changes on original picture) . You can configure if it marks
Social Hashtags
10 websites Grabs images & videos matching any hashtag from social APIs like instagram & youtube. Grabs images & videos matching any hashtag from social APIs like instagram & youtube. Stores thu
WP Contact Form
236 websites WP Contact Form is a drop in form for users to contact you. It can be implemented on a page or a post. WP Contact Form is a drop in form for users to contact you. It can be implemented on a page or a
Kingkong Board
10 websites 킹콩보드는 한국형 게시판 플러그인으로 다양한 확장성과 편리한 UI 를 바탕으로 제작 되었습니다. 킹콩보드가 2.0 으로 판올림 되었습니다. 보다 깔끔
Better User Shortcodes
6 websites Forgot wp-login.php, you can add the following shortcodes into your site: login, logout, register, forgot password, add custom fields to register. Set up your custom registration form, add shortcodes
Simple BMI Calculator Widget
14 websites Simple Body Mass Index Calculator as a Widget on your website. You can customize it as you want to match Your Theme. It lets you show a Simple BMI Calculator form as a widget. The result is generated
Abstract Submission
4 websites Abstract Submission let you add an abstract submission form to your meeting website. With Abstract Submission you can add an abstract submission form to your meeting website. Below the main features:
WeFact Hosting bestelformulier integratie
6 websites Eenvoudige manier om het bestelformulier van WeFact Hosting in de WordPress website te integreren. Zie
A-2-Z Alphabetical Archive Links
22 websites Create and diaplay a list of first characters for post/cpt titles which link to an archive of the posts/cpts that begin with that character. This widget will get a list of post/cpt title first charac
1 websites Prizma for WordPress is a Video Engagement Platform that earns you money while keeping visitors on your website. Prizma helps you connect your content to the people who want to see it most. Our paten
8 websites Easily post source code such as PHP or HTML and display it in a styled box. SyntaxHighlighter2 allows you to easily post syntax highlighted code all without loosing it's formatting or making an manua
History.js for WordPress
4 websites History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState
Exchange Rate Table
46 websites Exchange Rate Table for any currency in the world. Choose the currency to display, header colors and the table size and format. Display an exchange rate table for any currency in the world. Select fr
Adapter Post Preview
4 websites Show your best posts in any widget area. Creates a widget with a post preview, or a carousel of the most recent posts. Creates a widget with the post's featured image, headline, excerpt, and link. T
Customized Recent Comments
174 websites Display recent comments on your blog with complete control over the layout and format of comments. Options include showing comments from specific categories, or excluding categories. Exclude users f
Selectivizr for WordPress
44 websites selectivizr is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8. selectivizr is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attri
11 websites AdMangler Display, sell, and manage ad space on your WordPress powered site. AdMangler provides an intuitive and easy to use interface to help you display banner ads, Google ads, or your very own cus
ARK Related Posts
38 websites Плагин выводит связанные записи к постам с миниатюрами этих записей. Плагин выводит связанные записи к пост�
BuddyPress Activity Stream Bar
7 websites Adds a static bar at the bottom of every page of your website. Which displays the latest 20 BuddyPress Activities and rotates threw them. Adds a static bar at the bottom of every page of your website
Ad Blocking Alert
2 websites Detects if your visitor is using ad blocking plugins such as AdBlock, and if so will popup a message asking the visitor to disable or add an exception Stop losing money on your google adsense and oth
7 websites Enables you to show a list of Events, Concerts, Sports and Theater Listings. Enables you to show a list of Events, Concerts, Sports and Theater Listings. Current Features Admin pages to view/creat
Comfortable Reading
204 websites Пробная версия плагина для слабовидящих пользователей. Comfortable Reading - демо версия плагина, которая создает вер
WP Live Preview Links
8 websites See a live scaled preview of the site you are linking to prior to clicking on it. WP Live Preview Links allows you to see a live scaled preview of the site you are linking to in a pop-up dialog style
WP LightPics
1 websites Display every image form with the classic wordpress media pattern with lightbox. Display every image form with the classic wordpress media pattern with lightbox.
Tiny Slider
3 websites Create a simple slide show by jquery. Create a simple slide show by jquery. Thanks wex and Michael to write jQuery functions. Features: 4 Slide Image. Link and title on the slide. Slide buttons
WP Geo
137 websites Adds location maps to your posts, pages and custom post types. Important Note About WP Geo 3.3 This update now uses Google Maps API v3. While it should continue to work OK it you have simply ins
4 websites Show currency exchange rate Central Bank of Russia Виджет курса валют ЦБ РФ на текущий день. Show the exchange rate Central Bank of Russian Federation. This bank set
Prism Syntax Highlighter (detached)
5 websites Adds Prism Syntax Highlighting to WordPress, using custom fields for your code examples. Integrates the Prism Syntax Highlighting Library in WordPress. It is called detached, since the code examples
22 websites Mailbag lets you quickly and easily add MailChimp or Campaign Monitor email forms to your posts or pages with a shortcode. Dead Simple Email Subscriptions Mailbag integrates both MailChimp and Campa