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10 websites Dooodl is a fun plugin for your blog that allows your visitors to draw a little doodle and save it to your sidebar together with a little note. Demo: See a live version of this plugin in the sidebar
Product Carousels WooCommerce Addon
5 websites Using this plugin , we can add 'Featured Product Carousel' and 'Latest Product Carousel' in page using shortcodes. We have developed add-on for WooCommerce plugin that enhances t
IFS Simple Mass Mailer
5 websites Use this plugin to maintain a simple mass mailing list and send simple html e-mails to the people in the list. With this plugin you can maintain a simple mailing list and send html e-mails to people
Voter Plugin
6 websites The Voter plugin adds a recommendation engine (voting or like/unlike features) on any WordPress blog or website. Voter plugin adds voting options for pages, posts, custom post types, comments, BuddyP
Prettify Code Syntax
35 websites Code syntax highlighter using Google Prettify, supporting the HTML5 recommendation, and caching plugins. The main reason for the development of this plugin was the lack of options supporting the HTML
Social Networks Widget
9 websites This plugin makes a widget available which allows you to add links to your social networking sites. This plugin makes a widget available which allows you to add links to your social networking sites.
DW PopUp Card
1 websites Custom pop up card for your WordPress Site Developed by DesignWall, DW PopUp Card is a FREE WordPress Plugin that help you to create a fun and personal popup card for your WordPress Site. Could be u
All in one Social Feeds
6 websites This plugin helps to display latest feeds from facebook, twitter,instagram,pinterest and youtube with tabs using a widget. This plugin helps to display latest feeds from facebook, twitter,instagram,
bbPress Topic Location
5 websites This plugin adds the ability to geo-locate topics in bbPress and to search topics by location from a new search widget. This plugin adds the ability to geo-locate topics in bbPress and to search topi
Bunny's Print CSS
50 websites Inserts a link for a print stylesheet into your theme header. Provides a very simple print.css file that you probably want to improve upon, but which The plugin contains two files. print-css.php, whi
Pretty file list
24 websites A plugin that lists files attached to the current post/page. The Pretty File Lister plugin lists files attached to the current post of page. All you need to do is add the shortcode to your page or po
WP Sidebar Login
46 websites This plugin used to easily add an ajax enabled wordpress login widget to your site's sidebar. WP Sidebar Login is an ajax enabled wordpress login has both a widget and a template tag to allow yo
Sola Support Tickets
14 websites Create a support help desk and support ticket system in minutes with Sola Support Tickets. The easiest to use Help Desk & Support Ticket plugin. Create a support help desk quickly and easily with
2840 websites [pagelist], [subpages], [siblings] and [pagelist_ext] shortcodes Code moved to Page-list plugin Please, delete Sitemap plugin and install Page-list plugin instead. Don't be afraid, the functionality
WooCommerce Product Stock Alert
1 websites Alert your customer when a product of her choice is available again. Never miss a sale now. This plugin lets prospective buyers subscribe to a product when it is out of stock. Once subscribed, custom
Mention comment's Authors by Wabeo
28 websites When adding a comment, your users can directly mentioning the author of another comment, like facebook or twitter do,using the "@" symbol. "Mention comment's authors" is a plugin that impro
WooCommerce Currency Switcher
1189 websites WooCommerce Currency Switcher – is the plugin that allows you to switch to different currencies and get their rates converted in the real time! WooCommerce Currency Switcher – is a plugin that al
WP LocalScroll
19 websites This plugin will animate a regular anchor navigation with a smooth scrolling effect. This plugin will animate a regular anchor navigation with a smooth scrolling effect. Each time a link is clicked,
Flowplayer for WordPress
15 websites A Flowplayer plugin for wordpress. NOTE: As of version all settings are stored in wordpress meta data as such if you are upgrading to or higher from an earlier version you will have t
Social Sharing by Danny
324 websites Adds very simple social sharing buttons for Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to the end of your posts. Social Sharing By Danny The simplest sharing links possible for Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Mo
IMDb Connector
14 websites A simple plugin that allows you to easily display and use movie details from IMDb Connector is a simple plugin that allows you to easily access the database through the API provide
Booking Manager
84 websites Booking Manager - show all old and present aproved and pending bookings from Booking Calendar. This wordpress plugin is show all old and present aproved and pending bookings from Booking Calendar. Pr
Social Buttons
5 websites Selectively add social network buttons to your posts, or theme design. Selectively add social network buttons such as digg, sphinn, etc to your posts or theme design. I wrote this plugin because I w
Genesis Style Shortcodes
61 websites Enables button, content box, and column shortcodes for Genesis child themes. The Genesis Style Shortcodes plugin enables you to easily add button, content box, and column shortcodes to the posts and
Simple Hijri Calendar
7 websites Very simple hijri calendar widget plugin. "Simple Hijri Calendar" is a very simple, light and easy to use wordpress plugin that allows you to show curent hijri date. Just instal and active plugin. Th
Featured Image Zoom
25 websites Provides a [zoom] Shortcode to display a zoomable featured image. Add the [zoom] shortcode to a page, post or custom post-type entry. The featured image at the 'large' size will then be displayed on
Event Registration
388 websites Event Registration is a WordPress plugin that allows you to manage events with an online and manual registration and payment process. This wordpress plugin is designed to run on a WordPress website a
18 websites Click to expand hidden content within your article. Click to expand. Click to contract. Reveal additional content on-demand with our simple shortcode. Traditional article formats present the reader
Responsive Attention Box
1 websites Responsive Attention Box is a plugin that helps push important messages onto the screen and your users.Images and jQuery have been used to enhance th Responsive Attention Box is a plugin that helps
DomainLabs Whois
15 websites DomainLabs Domain Whois Plugin for WordPress DomainLabs whois plugin; domain and Ip address whois lookup allows you on with WordPress
Social Media Mashup
35 websites Combine Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Flickr, YouTube, and custom RSS feeds into one stream. Social Media Mashup provides a widget and template tag to display a combined social media & RSS stream.
WP Social SEO Booster - Knowledge Graph Social Signals SEO
198 websites Turn on Your Blog's Social SEO with WP Social SEO Booster and get a Huge Boost in Google Rankings! WP Social SEO Booster adds Facebook Open Graph, Twitter Card and Google Rich Snippets (Microdat
Horizontal scroll google picasa images
9 websites Plugin is created to retrieve images from Google+ Picasa Album. It will scroll your Google+ images in a horizontal scroll style. Check official website for live demo
Tweet Fader
2 websites Tweet Fader is a plugin for WordPress to show your latest tweets on your WordPress site with the latest. Twitter API v1.1 supported! Tweet Fader is a plugin for WordPress to show your latest tweets o
Post Profit Stats
21 websites Do you pay authors for page views? Let our plugin calculate the amount per post view and give you totals by date. See the total number of post views per author with detailed totals and grand totals.
Thank You Counter Button
16 websites Adds 'Thank You' button to every post/page, counts and shows a total number of visitors 'thanks' for post/page. This is the visitor's 'Thank you' or 'I like it' clicks counter but