
36 relevant result(s)

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105 websites
21 websites
2 websites
GetResponse Integration by GetResponse
3 websites Take advantage of your visitors' commentators' and customers' interest. Invite them to subscribe and nurture their engagement. GetResponse for WordPress Turn your blog, site or e-stor
JC Recaptcha
13 websites The Add new recaptcha google plugin allows you to implement a super security REcaptcha form into web forms. The Add new recaptcha google plugin allows you to implement a super security REcaptcha form
Formidable PRO2PDF
58 websites Map web forms to PDF forms then with one simple shortcode - display a link on any post, page, form, or view the merged PDF on a PC or mobile device. Formidable Form add-on plugin to map Formidable F
TotalSend WordPress Integration
2 websites Using this plugin, a WordPress blog owner will be able to link his/her TotalSend account with WordPress and start accepting email list subscriptions. This WordPress plugin will let you to publish mai
Plugmatter Optin Feature Box
10 websites Plugmatter Optin Feature Box is the Only List Building Plugin that Allows You to Create High Converting Optin Feature Boxes for Your WordPress Site. Plugmatter Optin Feature Box Plugin lets you creat
CP Contact Form with Paypal
27 websites CP Contact Form with Paypal lets to add a contact form into a WordPress site and connect it to a PayPal payment. Created by an Official Paypal Partner With CP Contact Form with Paypal you can insert
Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft
3479 websites This plugin allows you to implement Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) into web forms. Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) plugin allows you to implement a super security Captcha into web forms. Google Captcha (reCAP
Get In Touch
14 websites Get In Touch allows you to create fully customized and responsive contact forms, generate custom google maps, keep track of mails, sorting of requests Get In Touch plug-in allows you to generate resp
WP adRom Newsletter
1 websites Renders Signin/Signout forms via shortcodes and handles them Renders signin/signout forms via shortcodes and handles them. [render_wp_adrom_newsletter_form_signout] renders the "Signout"-form for t
GetResponse Form
5 websites An easy way to place a GetResponse form on your WordPress site. An easy way to place a GetResponse form on your WordPress site. What you get when you use the GetResponse Form Creator plugin Place
ProfilePress - Custom Login, Registration & Password Reset Form Builder for WordPress
96 websites A shortcode based WordPress form builder that makes building custom login, registration and password reset forms stupidly simple. Ever wanted to create a custom Login, Registration, Password Reset fo
Knews Multilingual Newsletters
109 websites Finally, newsletters are multilingual, quick and professional: Create and send automated newsletters or through his WYSIWYG editor. Knews is a powerful multilingual plug-in that allows you to build p
CRM WordPress Leads
57 websites An easy automated and advanced leads builder for WordPress to capture leads to one of your favourite CRM. Leads Builder For Any CRM enables to capture leads from WordPress to your CRM instance. It wo
Google's No Captcha reCaptcha
9 websites This plugin adds Google's No Captcha reCaptcha to WordPress comment, login, registration and lost password forms. This plugin adds Google's No Captcha reCaptcha to WordPress comment, login, regi
47 websites Embed forms in your pages and posts that accept an email address in exchange for a file download.
Contact Form 7 Datepicker
6993 websites Easily add a date field using jQuery UI's datepicker to your CF7 forms. This plugin depends on Contact Form 7. Enables adding a date field for Contact Form 7 WordPress Plugin using jQuery UI's d
AJAX Contact
594 websites Easily add AJAX contact forms to any page, post or widget area with an unlimited number of custom fields. Easy to manage and style! Easily and quickly create AJAX contact forms that you can then embe
366 websites Convert Visitors into Subscribers Create & A/B Test Beautiful Lead Capture Forms Without a Developer
Clean Login
328 websites A plugin for displaying useful forms in front-end only using shortcodes. Login, Registration, Profile Editor and Lost Password forms Responsive Frontend Login and Registration plugin. A plugin for di
Did You Mean
3 websites This plugin can fix typing errors (TYPO) in URLs and search by visitors. This plugin can fix typing errors (TYPO) in URLs and search forms by visitors. And provide proper notice to visitors. This plu
CF7 Customizer
295 websites CF7 Customizer is an intuitive plugin to design your contact forms via WordPress live customizer, right at the front-end. CF7 Customizer is an intuitive plugin to design your contact forms via WordPr
Sliding Contact Form By FormGet
36 websites If you have a need to build and bespoke good looking form for your website, then you approached to exact spot! Sliding Contact Form By FormGet is a advance contact form builder tool. This plugin help
Aweber Form Creator
5 websites An easy way to place a Aweber form on your WordPress site. An easy way to place a Aweber form on your WordPress site. Quick Start Guide Aweber form quick start guide at Wha
WP Advanced Comment
33 websites WP Advanced comment is a powerful and easy to use AJAX based comment system for wordpress with drag and drop custom fields. WP Advanced comment is a powerful and easy to use AJAX based comment system