
36 relevant result(s)

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79 websites
122 websites
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114 websites
460 websites
Comment Engine Pro
7 websites The Google+ and Disques WordPress plugin makes it easier for you to administer and customise Google+ and Disques comment from your WordPress site. Simply install the plugin and follow the instruction
TabGarb Pro
32 websites Split divide page / post content into tabs enable content easily!. TabGarb is a WordPress plugin which gives your wordpress a power to change content into Javascript tab enable content very easily, T
VC Countdown Timer
28 websites Displays a Countdown Timer Circle in a page from Visual Composer Elements or as a shortcode. VC Countdown Timer Displays a Countdown Timer in beautiful Circles in a page/post from Visual Composer Ele
My Wish List
15 websites This plugin allows you to create wish lists for your website, and display them on any post or page with simple shortcode. This plugin allows you to create wish lists for your website, and display the
Elite Accordion
54 websites This plugin will add an expand collapse accordion feature inside a post or page. This plugin will add an expand collapse accordion feature inside a post or page. Plugin Features Fully Responsive
4 websites SlideWizard helps you to create beautiful slider from various source. Easily create a slider on your website. You can add various source for the slider, such as Instagram, Flickr, Dribbble, Twitter t
Request Call Back
71 websites Adds a simple, configurable request call back button to your site. Visitors can provide their name and number via lightbox or embedded request form. As the developer of several WordPress microsites,
Show Hide Content
17 websites Show Hide Content plugin hides your selected content behind a Read more button. Show Hide Centent plugin hides your content behind a Read More button. Your hidden content is revealed dynamically on t
Hot News Manager
19 websites This plugin will let the wordpress site administrator create and manage news items to be displayed at any page using shortcodes. NOTA: Puedes leer la descrición en español en la lengüeta "Other No
Woocommerce Extra Registration Fields
40 websites Allow the users to add extra fields in registration ( My Account ) page, so you can now add more fields than firstname and lastname fields .. Woocommrece extra registration allow the user to add extr
PixelYourSite: Insert Facebook Pixel and track Standard Events
7827 websites Insert Facebook Pixel, add Custom or Standard Events, activate WooCommerce events with just a few clicks, WooCommerce Affiliate Products events As you probably know, Facebook will retire the old Face
FV Community News
37 websites Give the visitors of your site the ability to submit their news to you, and list it in a nice news feed. Many blogs out there can only produce a couple articles a week while their visitors ask for lo
Fiat Alert Bar
36 websites Create an alert bar that can be edited like a normal post and placed anywhere in your site via the [fiatalert] shortcode. Create an alert notification bar anywhere in your website. Place the shortcod
Captcha on Login
9 websites Protect your blog from login brute force attacks adding a captcha on login page of your site Overview Nowadays, it is common hackers trying to get access to your blog, so, it is very important you m
1 websites Track cycling stats from your bike's cyclocomputer and make pretty graphs. CycloPress allows you to track your cycling statistics from a cyclocomputer with WordPress. You can even create a page in yo
WP Register Profile With Shortcode
45 websites This is a simple registration form in the widget. just install the plugin and add the register widget in the sidebar. Thats it. :) This is a simple registration form in the widget. The form is respo
Lumia Testimonials
4 websites Responsive testimonials plugin allows you to display random or selected testimonials, or text with images. Responsive testimonials plugin allows you to display random or selected testimonials, or tex
AG Custom Admin
718 websites All-in-one tool for admin panel customization. Change almost everything: admin menu, dashboard, login page, admin bar etc. Apply admin panel themes. With this plugin you can easily customize WordPres
W4 Post List
4 websites W4 Post List lets you create a list of posts, terms, users or a combined one. Decorate output using shortcodes. It's just easy and fun. Display Posts (any custom post type), Terms (any custom ta
11 websites Easily create unblockable, dynamic and fully configurable popups that can display any web page you choose within a lightbox popup window. Here's what's possible with OptinPop 4.1... Add any content
Button Maker Plugin
64 websites This is a plugin which creates beautiful interactive buttons on a WordPress post or page. A great new button maker for WordPress - extremely powerful and so simple that anyone can use it to create su
Table of Contents Plus
10202 websites A powerful yet user friendly plugin that automatically creates a table of contents. Can also output a sitemap listing all pages and categories. A powerful yet user friendly plugin that automatically
Projects by WooThemes
547 websites Hi, I'm your projects showcase plugin for WordPress. Use me to show off a portfolio of your latest work. Create and display a portfolio of projects "Projects" by WooThemes is a clean and easy-t