
36 relevant result(s)

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1 websites
8 websites
2 websites
2 websites
Facebook Comments Master
57 websites Facebook Comments Master is the professional integration of facebook comments into heavy duty wordpress websites. Any heavy duty wordpress website needs a top of the line comment system so users can
WP Search for Comments - LITE
2 websites Enables you to search in comments separetly from the search loop. This is a lite version of plugin Plugin for search in comments. The plugin you are looking for. It's search through comments. Can be
Artisteer Buddy
2 websites A collection of functions to better Artisteer built themes. A collection of functions to better Artisteer built themes. Features: Removes HTML attributes displayed under the comment field. Remove
Inline Ajax Page
1 websites INAP uses AJAX to replace excerpts with the full posts, paginate posts, load comments and submit comments. Comes with a extremely powerful Admin Panel This plugin has had over 30,000 views and 10,000
5 websites
1 websites
1 websites
TentBlogger RSS Reminder
7 websites Note: This plugin is no longer under active development. If you're interested in maintaining it, please contact me. A simple Subscribe via RSS reminder at the end of your comment form. Sometime
Kama WP Smiles
2 websites Replace original WordPress smiles to pretty dynamic one. Automaticaly add smiles block to comment form and to admin panel Visual/HTML editor. Kama WP Smiles adds block with smiles to comment form in
113 websites Monitor and display registered users activity (logins, posts, comments, etc.). You can also track and prevent hackering attemps, with IP blacklisting. This plugin logs registered users activity in yo
Captcha Bank - Solid Security & Advanced Protection
235 websites Captcha Bank is an easy to use wordpress security plugin to prevent spam on your site while letting real people pass through with ease. It's more Captcha Bank = Tough on Bots, Easy on Humans WP
Squelch Unspam
5 websites Unspam makes it harder for spammers to automatedly send spam to your blog by changing the names of the fields in the comment forms. Unspam by Squelch Design is the simplest WordPress anti-spam plugin
Report Comments
3 websites Gives visitors the possibility to report inappropriate comments. Reported comments will show up in admin where they may be reviewed. Adds a link next to the reply link below each comment, which allow
26 websites Integrate Facebook and WordPress with Facebook Connect. Provides single-signon, avatars, and newsfeed comment publication. Requires a Facebook API K WP-FacebookConnect adds Facebook functionality t
WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam
4920 websites An exceptionally powerful WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam, trackback spam, contact form spam & registration spam. An exceptionally powerful and user-friendly WordPress ant
Antispam Extra
57 websites Provides options to disable the commenter's website and deactivate links in comments. Extra protection from spammers, best used with Akismet. Antispam Extra provides these additional spam preven
Social Login, Social Sharing by miniOrange
421 websites Social Login, Social Sharing allows login, share, comment using any social media like Twitter, Google, Facebook, Vkontakte. EASIEST to configure. Social Login, Social Sharing Social Login, Social Sh
Google's No Captcha reCaptcha
9 websites This plugin adds Google's No Captcha reCaptcha to WordPress comment, login, registration and lost password forms. This plugin adds Google's No Captcha reCaptcha to WordPress comment, login, regi
Friend Connect Commenting Plugin
24 websites You can now allow visitors to log in with their FriendConnect ID, and leave a comment with that same ID or override wordpress comments system and repl You can now allow visitors to log in with their
Delete All Comments of wordpress
112 websites Delete all comments from your wordpress database easily. The 'Delete All Comments of WordPress' plugin is built to delete all comments (Approved,Pending) from wordpress database by only one click an
Advanced Invisible Anti-Spam
14 websites Block bots without annoying captchas. Cache friendly solution with rotating keys! Blocks comment, registration, and bbpress spam. Activate and done! Anti-Spam solutions that require your users to fil
Image Captcha
164 websites An easy to use wordpress Captcha plugin to prevent spam on your site. You can use Image Captcha to protect comments and the admin panel. Image Captcha plugin is a powerful captcha protection for Word
Epoch - A native Disqus alternative with a focus on speed and privacy
12 websites Epoch - 100% realtime chat and commenting in a tiny little package that is fully CDN and cache compatible. Epoch is a new plugin from the creators of Postmatic. The goal: To provide a realtime commen
158 websites Add an "Agree to terms" check box on login, registration, or comment forms. Works with BuddyPress, bbPress and MultiSite. Add an "agree to terms" check box to your login, registration, or
WP Pineapple
3 websites WP Pineapple adds a fruity looking anti-spam, anti-bot "are you human" test to your comment form. Hate spam comments on your blog? Find a traditional captcha challenge annoying and cumbers
Pierre's Wordspew
24 websites A plugin that creates a live shoutbox, using AJAX as a backend. Users can chat freely from your blog without refreshing the page! The shoutbox add a chat functionality to your blog and permit to easi
13 websites TheThe CAPTCHA is a WP plugin that blocks spam from comment boards and registration forms by generating simple tests that only humans can easily pass. TheThe CAPTCHA uses two easily understood types
2 websites We give your audience the ability to engage with you on specific words, sentences, and images by simply highlighting. Notice - If you are using a version that is 1.0.9b or older and you upgrade to 2.
Incarnate for WordPress
1 websites Incarnate for WordPress brings a rich avatar experience to your comments. Enter a handle from the web and easily select an avatar for a comment from Incarnate for WordPress brings a rich avatar exp
Anti-Captcha (anti-spam botblocker)
1286 websites Anti-Captcha is a transparent spam solution that does not require any end-user interaction. Anti-Captcha is a transparent spam solution that does not require any end-user interaction. It is based on
Local Time
3 websites Displays post and comment date and times in the visitor's timezone using Javascript. Heavily based on code from the P2 theme. Displays post and comment date and times in the visitor's timezone u
Facebook Panel
1 websites Let your visitors like, comment and share on facebook from a neat slide-in panel. The Facebook Panel plugin sticks a Facebook icon to the left edge of the window, across every page of the site. When