
36 relevant result(s)

Most popular searches for last 30 days:
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Custom Comment
20 websites Customize your comment form with more fields This plugin lets you define more fields for comment to let your visitors include their facebook, twitter and ... in their comments
Comment Images
180 websites Allow your readers easily to attach an image to their comment. Comment Images gives readers the ability to upload an image to their comment right from the comment form. Comment Images... Will noti
WP Comment Remix
13 websites WP Comment Remix adds a plethora of new options and features to WordPress. For the readers WP Comment Remix adds a number of great features that you can turn on or off, but they include: Reply Link
wp comment validation
25 websites wp-comment-validation adds validation for wordpress default comment submission form. wp-comment-validation can adds custom message for wordpress default comment submission form validation. It is easy
2 websites Automatically adds city-precise location information of comment authors to comment metadata. GeoSmart automatically adds city-precise location information for each comment author to comment metadata
WordPress Comments Fields
54 websites This plugin allow admin to add custom fields in comment area. These fields are saved as comment meta and is displayed under comment text. This plugin allow admin to add custom fields in comment area.
Quote Comments
65 websites Creates a little quote icon in comment boxes which, when clicked, copies that comment to the comment box wrapped in blockquotes. Adopt this plugin: I no longer have time to actively maintain this plu
Comment Engine Pro
7 websites The Google+ and Disques WordPress plugin makes it easier for you to administer and customise Google+ and Disques comment from your WordPress site. Simply install the plugin and follow the instruction
Instant Comment Validation
20 websites Add a instant validator for WordPress comment form, instead of sending users to default error page. WordPress deafult comment error page sucks? Its just showing an error message like "please fill out
WordPress Thread Comment
9 websites wordpress thread comment This Plugin is an enhancement for WordPress's comment function. It enables users to reply on a exist comment, and the discussion will be displayed threaded or nested. 这是
Hide Show Comment
43 websites Keep your reader focused on your content. Use this plugin, "hide and show" and "load more" your post comment ! Hide Show Comment is the simple wordpress plugin that allow the user
Comment Image
1 websites Tags: comments, attachments, images, pictures, gif, jpeg Enable readers to attach an image to their comments. Comment Image enables blog readers to attach an image while leaving their comments. Supp
74 websites Are you looking for a real AJAX comment posting plugin? Are you seeking for a better solution to present the long-list comments to your site visitors? Then this plugin is for you. WP-comment-master i
NS Comment Validator
7 websites Client side validation of your WordPress Comment form This plugin adds client side validation in WordPress Comment form. This acts as a level of security also. Without entering valid input user wont
Ajax Comment Posting
36 websites Posts comments without refreshing the page and validates the comment form using Ajax. There are many comment-related plugins in WordPress plugin directory. However, if you'd like to find just a simpl
KomentBox Comment System
2 websites The KomentBox comment system replaces your WordPress comment system with your comments hosted and powered by NLPCaptcha. What is KomentBox? KomentBox is a commenting service and tool for web comment
Better WordPress Recent Comments
1015 websites This plugin displays recent comment lists at assigned locations, with comprehensive support for widgets. This plugin displays recent comment lists at assigned locations. It does not add any significa
Safe Report Comments
40 websites This plugin gives your visitors the possibility to report a comment as inappropriate. After a set threshold is reached the comment is put into moderat This plugin gives your visitors the possibility
Comment Rating Field Plugin
197 websites Adds a 5 star rating field to the end of a comment form in WordPress. Comment Rating Field adds a 5 star rating field to the end of a comment form in WordPress, allowing the site visitor to optionall
In-Context Comment
2 websites "In-Context Comment" lets readers leave comments right next to the content being commented, instead of only at the bottom of the blog post Comments are extremely critical for the success of
17 websites Comment Image Embedder is a very simple plugin that, once installed, lets your visitors add an image to their comments. Comment Image Embedder is a very simple plugin that, once installed, lets your
WP Comment Vote
1 websites WP Comment Vote Add an ajax vote for your comment 详细介绍:
WordPress Comment Digg
1 websites Digg or bury your comments and generate a percentage bar in your comment boxes. This plugin will allow users to digg / bury every thread of your comments, thus find out the most valuable comments as
Comment Popularity
9 websites Comment Popularity adds the ability for visitors to vote on comments. With this plugin, members of your site will be able to vote comments up or down. Think Reddit comments. After activating the plu
5 websites Removes the author URL from your comment box. Blocks 99% of all comment spam!
Ajax Comment Preview
7 websites Visitors to your site can preview their comments with a click of a button. Other preview plugins don't know what sort of changes WordPress will make to a visitor's comment, but this plugin uses AJAX
Decent Comments
476 websites Decent Comments shows what people say. Provides widgets, shortcodes and API to display comments including author avatars, links, comment excerpts. Decent Comments shows what people say. If you want
WP Spam Fighter
169 websites Comment spam prevention without moderation, captchas or questions This plugins prevents comment spam without requiring you to moderate all comments or your users to use user-unfriendly captchas or an
Comments Vote
86 websites This plugin enables website users to vote comments up or down. This plug-in enables users of the website to vote comments up or down. This running tally can be displayed on the comment, and administr
Comment Tweets
5 websites Comment Tweets gives you the ability to take the URL of a tweet and add it to the conversation on your blog. Occasionally, readers will respond to your posts via tweets which is awesome, but when thi
WP Ajaxify Comments
117 websites WP Ajaxify Comments hooks into your comment form and adds AJAX functionality - no page reloads required when validating, posting or updating comments When submitting the comment form, WordPress by de
Comment Autogrow
4 websites Makes the comment textarea expand in height automatically Getting comments on your site is one of the most important goals. Longer comments tend to be especially valuable. However, most comment text
7 websites The plugin adds a wysiwyg editor for comments. Плагин добавляет полностью настраиваемый визуальный редактор по выбору: TinyMCE 4.3 ли�
Advanced Comment Validation
35 websites This plugin adds wordpress comments validation to the WordPress comment form. only need to activate the plugin than validation is working. This plugin is the most powerfull plugin which easily put th
@Reply \w comment preview
4 websites This plugin allows you to add Twitter-like @reply links to comments, including a preview of the comment replied to. MASHUP of this: http://www.spreeb This plugin allows you to add Twitter-like @repl
Inline Comments
16 websites Inline Comments adds your comment system to the side of paragraphs and other sections (like headlines and images) of your post. Inline Comments adds your comment system to the side of paragraphs and