
36 relevant result(s)

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BigContact Contact Page
439 websites Create super cool contact pages for your site. Just add a contact form to any page, display business hours, emails and phone numbers as widgets. Ever wanted a simple way of creating your contact page
Advanced Invisible Anti-Spam
14 websites Block bots without annoying captchas. Cache friendly solution with rotating keys! Blocks comment, registration, and bbpress spam. Activate and done! Anti-Spam solutions that require your users to fil
Social Toolbar
2 websites Plugin for adding a highly customizable toolbar with color selection, social network icons, recent tweet and share buttons into footer. Now updated with a full web-based, management and customizatio
AI Twitter Feeds (Twitter widget & shortcode)
264 websites As per twitter API 1.1 developer display requirements policy new version is updated. PLEASE DO NOT USE OLDER VERSIONS. We provide advance level of support for installation and customization at $10
Advanced lazy load
256 websites Reduce the loading time while opening your wordpress website, accelerate openning time. Images outside of viewport (visible part of web page) wont be Advanced lazy load is aiming to speed up your web
CP Google Maps
266 websites CP Google Maps allows to associate geolocation information to your posts and to integrate your blog with Google Maps in an easy and natural way. Google Map features: ► Insert a Google map in the b
Copy To Clipboard - mobile + web
23 websites Copy text to clipboard on click of a button on desktop browsers and mobile web browsers by wrapping the text in [pw-clippy] shortcode. This is the plugin to copy text to clipboard on click of a butto
Price Table
27 websites HTML & CSS3 drag and drop price table. awesome pricing table by easy admin panel to drag and drop row column and delete any row or columns and update. use via shortcode anywhere with some aswesom
Metaphor Members
25 websites Creates a custom post type to display info about members of your group or organization. This is not a membership plugin. Create individual posts to display information about the members or your orga
144 websites Provides an easy way to selectively add actionable social sharing buttons to your posts content or below the post in a 'Call To Action' box. Socialize is an easy way to selectively add acti
Codestyling Localization
73 websites You can manage and edit all gettext translation files (.po/.mo) directly out of your WordPress Admin Center without any need of an external editor. It automatically detects the gettext ready component
161 websites Version: 0.2c A plugin that allows you to configure and display one or more FaceBook Activity Feed Widgets on the sidebar of your WordPress blog
20 websites The Font Burner Plugin allows you to easily add Font Burner Fonts to your WordPress theme. (IF UPGRADING, BE SURE TO RECORD YOUR FONT BURNER SETTINGS
Advanced Author Bio
44 websites Adds a short author bio after every single post on your blog. Also, enables HTML formatting tags in author description and adds Facebook, Twitter, Goo Advanced Author Bio automatically adds a short a
2 websites Affinitomics™ transforms WordPress into a hyper-relevant, context aware and intelligent powerhouse. Affinitomics™ transforms WordPress into a hyper-relevant, context aware and intelligent powerho
8 websites A simple and lightweight plugin that displays a customizable language switcher.
6 websites A WordPress plugin for the Prism syntax highlighter (
Mashshare - Social Media Icons SEO Share Buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Subscribe
1551 websites Social Media Icons & Share Buttons, a highly customizable social sharing and & Media SEO ecosystem Facebook, Twitter and more ... Mashshare - The Social Media Ecosystem (Twitter counts sup
WordPress Checkout
4 websites Turn your post into products or add multiple products into your posts. Easy to use and customize e-commerce solution. Allows including products labels anywhere on your posts or pages, and use your co
FlexIDX Home Search
8 websites flexIDX/flexMLS customers only:Provides flexible Home Search widget for your sidebars as well as ability to generate custom search links and iframes t flexIDX Home Search plugin provides an easy solu
Icon Links Widget
3 websites A simple icon links widget, allowing you to add FontAwesome icons to any widget area and link them anywhere. Icon Links Widget, is a simple widget which allows you to add icon links to any widget are
AffiGet Mini for Amazon
3 websites Browse Amazon. "Like" products. Make money. (Or just create reviews for your blog with a single click.) AffiGet Mini is an advanced plugin to remotely add Amazon products to your blog with
YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews
113 websites Extends the basic functionality of woocommerce reviews and add a histogram table to the reviews of your products, as well as you see in most trendy e- Add a histogram table to the reviews of your pro
Easy Team Manager
68 websites Easy Team Manager helps you to create team members with their short descriptions, social profiles with smooth hover effects. Easy Team Manager helps you to create team members with their short descri
377 websites Hybrid Connect, long-time king of opt-in plugins for WordPress, has finally been dethroned... By Thrive Leads, a new plugin made by the same team. Thrive Leads beats Hybrid Connect in every aspect,
Magento WordPress Integration
72 websites Magento WordPress Integration is the easiest way to get blocks, sessions and products from your Magento store. Magento WordPress Integration allows you to add any Magento blocks to your WordPress the
12 websites PlusCaptcha - The Easiest Captcha to Setup and Execute, with Auto-Setup Feature! Trusted by thousands of blog, e-commerce, and government sites! The first dynamic captcha provider. Art to your visito
WP Customer Reviews
1882 websites Allows your visitors to leave business / product reviews. Testimonials are in Microdata / Microformat and may display star ratings in search results. There are many sites that are crawling for user-g
67 websites Counts the number of users, categories, posts, comments, pages, links, tags, link-categories, words in posts, words in comments and words in pages. fully settings page configurable with GUI or manua
Videojs HTML5 Player
414 websites Embed video file beautifully in WordPress using Videojs HTML5 Player. Embed HTML5 compatible responsive video in your post/page with video js. Videojs HTML5 Player is a user-friendly plugin that supp
14 websites EasySMS provides an easy way for readers to subscribe to SMS updates and for admins to send SMS messages to groups. Auto SMS with post publishing. ESMS message your readers and broadcast a new post t
Geo lightbox
4 websites Show the big image in lightbox and show the point in the map. version 0.9: First version for this plugin. You can see demo page at
Contact Form 7 Response Message Popup
28 websites Contact Form 7 Response Message in Fancybox Popup This plugin displays Contact Form 7 response message in Fancybox popup. Docs & Demo For Documentation click here. For Demo click here.
Youtube Live Stream Auto Embed
117 websites Provides a shortcode to automatically embed the latest video or current live stream of a specified YouTube channel including Google Hangouts OnAir. This WordPress plugin provides a shortcode to autom
FB Like Box
9 websites version: 1.0.2 FB Like Box will help one to post facebook like box below every post FB Like Box will help one to insert the blue rounded rectangular facebook like box below every post .It even inclu
Epoch - A native Disqus alternative with a focus on speed and privacy
12 websites Epoch - 100% realtime chat and commenting in a tiny little package that is fully CDN and cache compatible. Epoch is a new plugin from the creators of Postmatic. The goal: To provide a realtime commen